Proclaiming The Passion Radio

The week between Palm Sunday and Resurrection day is often called the Passion Week. It’s a week like none other in the life of Jesus, or for that matter, anyone. Jesus had Temple appearances, spent time with His disciples outside of Jerusalem, in the upper room and in the Garden of Gethsemane and then had to endure the kangaroo trials, sentencing to death, the crucifixion and taking upon Him the sins of the world while he laid down His life for us.

Some of the events are depicted in the following 1-minute radio spots.

21-Sunday Disciples

Speaker: Dan Allen
Topic: Passion of Christ

20-Sunday Mary Magdalene

Speaker: Dan Allen
Topic: Passion of Christ

19-Saturday Fear of Disciples

Speaker: Dan Allen
Topic: Passion of Christ

18-Saturday Quiet Day

Speaker: Dan Allen
Topic: Passion of Christ

17-Friday Forsaken by God 2

Speaker: Dan Allen
Topic: Passion of Christ

16-Friday Forsaken by God-1

Speaker: Dan Allen
Topic: Passion of Christ

15-Friday Words on Cross

Speaker: Dan Allen
Topic: Passion of Christ

14-Friday Crucifixion

Speaker: Dan Allen
Topic: Passion of Christ

13-Friday Nails

Speaker: Dan Allen
Topic: Passion of Christ

12-Friday Carrying the Cross

Speaker: Dan Allen
Topic: Passion of Christ

11-Friday Scourging

Speaker: Dan Allen
Topic: Passion of Christ

10-Friday Pilate and the Polls

Speaker: Dan Allen
Topic: Passion of Christ

09-Friday Herod Pilate

Speaker: Dan Allen
Topic: Passion of Christ

08-Friday Stirring Up People

Speaker: Dan Allen
Topic: Passion of Christ

07-Friday Mocking

Speaker: Dan Allen
Topic: Passion of Christ

06-Thursday Betrayal

Speaker: Dan Allen
Topic: Passion of Christ

05-Thursday Trials

Speaker: Dan Allen
Topic: Passion of Christ

04-Thursday Disciple Fled

Speaker: Dan Allen
Topic: Passion of Christ

03-Thursday Betrayed by a Kiss

Speaker: Dan Allen
Topic: Passion of Christ

02-Thursday Sweat Like Blood

Speaker: Dan Allen
Topic: Passion of Christ

01-Proclaiming the Passion

Speaker: Dan Allen
Topic: Introduction of the Passion Week